Three weeks ago my Angel Pie had 2 beautiful brown eyes, then we woke up one morning to see her left eye swollen shut. Off to the vet we raced and they gave us drops and did some tests. We were then …
My Dog is 16 and has glaucoma – Not sure what to do
Jake is 16 has had dry eye for years & does not see well to begin with. About a month ago he got glaucoma in his better eye have been putting 3 types of drops in everyday. But it isn't getting …
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The plight of our beloved Emily the Basset Hound
I am writing this to hopefully get some other feedback to our dilemma. We have 2 Basset Hounds. Percy who is 14 years old, and Emily who is 13 years old. Emily has been diagnosed with glaucoma in her …
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P.J.’s Amazing Recovery! – Part 1
Hey all, I am posting pics of P.J.'s recovery from start to finish. I hope this helps anyone who will be going through this realize the incredible healing power in dogs. P.J.'s personality, spirit and …
Welcome to you’re new home Sushi!!!
Well it's not a long story, as we have only adopted Sushi since the 19th September 2012. Her owner had had her from being a pup when she lost one eye from an infection, however 6 months ago had to …
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Lucy’s Story: Her Struggle with Glaucoma, Eye Removal and Blindness
In late October 2011, I did what most dog owners do and took my dogs to get their yearly vaccinations. It was a very hot summers day and Bronnie (my sighted dog) somehow came off her leash and made a …
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