Hey all, I am posting pics of P.J.’s recovery from start to finish. I hope this helps anyone who will be going through this realize the incredible healing power in dogs. P.J.’s personality, spirit and perseverance really helped my husband and I cope as well. It was amazing to see how quickly she bounced back. The day after surgery was the best I’d seen her in a long time. She’s a tough little bugger and nothing about her has changed…except she looks like she’s winking at me all the time.

To watch our other spaniel, Rev with her was something else. He looked up to her and was lost for the 24 hours she was gone. They hadn’t been apart since we’d brought him him over 2 years before.
When she got home he couldn’t get enough of her but was so careful of her. You could tell he knew that she was dealing with something and all he wanted to do was cuddle her.
He didn’t lick her wound, he didn’t try to make her play. He just wanted to be with her. It was the sweetest thing ever and I am so lucky to have these 2 dogs.

Watching P.J. go through this has really helped me learn even more about dogs and their resilience and strength.
Even though my dog is only “half blind” for now, if I can leave a word of advice for any of you, its just that you need to know that after surgery was a lot less painful for me and P.J. both. This is not a death sentence.
As soon as I saw her come bouncing from the room at the vet I thought…I should have done this sooner. And we haven’t looked back.
So here is P.J.’s progression. Although some of you may be disturbed, I will say this, I spent a lot of time googling pictures and when I saw P.J. I thought she looks so good! =)
Thanks so much for posting PJ’s recovery from her eye surgery. This is going to be so helpful to other people going through the same thing.
It’s amazing how well these dogs go after the surgery. My dog Lucy didn’t even wear a cone. The vet never even mentioned it to me but she didn’t rub or paw at her eye so she wouldn’t have needed it anyway I guess.
I loved hearing how Rev just wanted to be with her. That’s so sweet!
I hope it is helpful for everyone.
It’s pretty shocking how well they do actually!
They gave us the cone because I mentioned that I wasn’t sure what my other dog would do when he saw her!
Turned out so well. I hope when her other eye goes it is smooth transition as this one seems to have been. When she gets close to things I try to tell her jump up and stop, etc to get her used to being told when she’s eventually totally blind.