In 2013 my Shih Tzu Bree was diagnosed with glaucoma. We treated it for as long as we could. She began to withdraw from our family we knew we needed to have her eye removed. 8/14/2014 which was my birthday.
She had her right eye removed and within 6 months on 2-14-2015 her left eye was removed. She is now going to be 11 June 26th and she is blind and very happy no more pain.
We don’t move furniture. I have different rugs throughout the house and wind chimes at the patio. She had a look alike who took care of her his name was Cocoa. They were very bonded. When she lost her sight he was her eyes and stayed with her. He would turn her around to bark out the patio the right way. He would bring her to the bedroom. Sadly we lost him to Anal Gland cancer in Nov of 2018.
Bree went into anemia due to the stress of losing him. we now have another dog for Bree her name is Bella she is poodle/Bishon and she went into jingle bell training when Cocoa was diagnosed with cancer we knew we had to help Bree when he was gone. Bella has stepped up to help out now that Cocoa is gone Bree is recovered from anemia and were living the wonderful life.
I did buy her a doggie stroller that we go out in. We call it her wheels she loves her wheels. Bella wears a different sound of jingle bells from what Cocoa wore. Bree has taught us so much love compassion and patients. She can get through the house now like a champ. She was sighted for the first 5 years of her life and really is a great dog she knows so many words. The biggest one is Careful.
I just wanted to share that Bree and Bella are doing great. And as long as your happy the dog will be too. I am unable to upload any pictures but there adorable
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