Last year I took my dog to the vet because she was having problems with her right eye. I had come home and found her looking quite miserable. The eye was half closed, it looked cloudy and it was weeping some green looking gunk. She wasn’t a pretty site.
I didn’t know it at the time, but my dog had glaucoma – a serious eye condition that unfortunately is quite common in a number of dog breeds. It usually comes on suddenly…literally overnight and can wreak havoc on their eyes with often the final result being total blindness.
What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a condition that causes increased pressure in the eye. Normally the eye should drain the fluid but with glaucoma this stops happening. Without medication or surgery, the fluid will keep increasing, causing pressure in the eye until it damages the eye permanently, resulting in permanent blindness.
There are two types of glaucoma:
1. Primary Glaucoma – This type of glaucoma is inherited and many breeds of dogs are prone to getting this disease including the cocker spaniel, basset hound, Siberian husky, elkhound, chow chow, shar pei, jack russell terrier and shih tzu breeds.
2. Secondary Glaucoma – This type of glaucoma occurs as a result of another eye disease like cataracts or eye cancer.
How do I know my dog has glaucoma?
You won’t really know if your pet has glaucoma until your vet measures the pressure of the eye. However, some signs you might look for are:
- the eye looks milky, cloudy or blue
- the eye looks enlarged
- the white of the eye is red or bloodshot
- your dog looks miserable (they will probably be in a lot of pain)
Do I need to take my dog to the vet for glaucoma?
Yes, definitely. Glaucoma in dogs is considered a medical emergency. Waiting even an hour can result in permanent blindness. Plus your dog will be in a lot of pain without medication. The quicker you get your dog to a vet the better.
Is My Dog in Pain?
Most likely yes. Glaucoma is a painful disease in dogs, more so than in humans. The pain is similar to a migraine headache and your dog may have that pain 24/7 without treatment. Even with treatment your dog is likely to have bouts of pain depending on the level of pressure in the eye. You will know if your dog is in pain if it closes the effected eye, squints, holds it’s head down, paws at the eye and head, rub it’s head along the floor, is off it’s food, doesn’t want to play or walks around listlessly.
What do all those pressure readings mean?
When your dog has glaucoma your vet will take readings of the eye to determine the pressure level. Your vet may refer to it as the IOP (intraocular pressure) reading. The lower the pressure reading the better. In both humans and dogs a healthy pressure reading would be somewhere between 10 and 20. If your dog has consistent pressure readings above that and they aren’t relieved by medications then usually it means that the eye will need to be removed.
Will my dog get glaucoma in both eyes?
If your dog has primary glaucoma (ie inherited), then it is highly likely both eyes will be effected eventually. The average time for the second eye to become affected is around 6 to 18 months but can be longer.
Will my dog eventually go blind?
The likelihood of your dog maintaining its sight with glaucoma is not good. The drugs listed below help to reduce the pressure but with each pressure spike your dog experiences more vision loss. For my dog, the first eye was affected in October 2011 and the second eye in May 2012. Total vision loss occurred in July 2012.
Medications for Glaucoma
There are a variety of medications that your vet can prescribe for glaucoma in your dog but the most common are the following:
- Latanoprost (Xalatan) – This is a human drug and is prescribed to patients to reduce the pressure in the eye. These eye drops have been approved for use in animals in both the US and Australia. (It may be approved in other countries however these are the only two countries I am currently aware of).
- Dorzolmaide (Cosopt/Trusopt) – Another human drug used to reduce the pressure in the eye however vets are allowed to prescribe these eye drops for use in animals in the US and Australia.
- Prednisolene Eye Drops (Predneferin Forte) – A human drug that can be prescribed for dogs for eye inflammation.
- Mannitol – This drug is given intravenously by your vet. It draws fluid out of the anterior chamber into the circulatory system. In other words, it reduces the pressure in the eye.
Home Remedies for Glaucoma
Although I am all for home remedies and use many of them on myself, this is not the time to go down this route with your dog. Glaucoma is serious and the medications supplied by your vet can get get the pressure down quite quickly and help to reduce the pain.
The only natural remedies I can recommend are the following but they should be used in conjunction with your vet as some medications the vet prescribes may contradict with what I am about to tell you.
1. Oral Glycerin – When I took my dog to an eye specialist he told me that when Lucy had a pressure spike to give her 10mls of oral glycerin. That amount was for my dog which weighs 15kgs/33lbs. Note that it is to be taken internally. DO NOT put it in your dog’s eye. Glycerin is amazing stuff. It will get the pressure down within an hour or so. However oral glycerin is really only to be used for emergencies and is not a long term solution. You should be able to get this over the counter at your chemist/pharmacist.
2. Vitamin C – There have been many studies on vitamin C and glaucoma. I started giving my dog vitamin C and I am sure it helped. However, you need to ensure you give the right type as some forms of vitamin C can be a little harsh on a dogs stomach. The best type is the Ester form of vitamin C. For my 15kg/33lbs dog I give one tablet in the morning and one tablet at night. Each tablet is 625mg.
3. Natural Vision Supplement – You could also try a natural vision supplement specifically for dogs. The following was developed by veterinary ophthalmologists – Ocu-Glo Rx.
Have you ever heard of “low pressure” glaucoma?
Do you mean ‘low tension’ glaucoma? If yes, I have heard of it but I didn’t think it was something that dogs could get.
Paula, thank you for continuing this website even after loosing your precious Lucy. You mentioned she died of cancer. Was the cancer related to her eye? Our sweet Molly (9 year old Shih Tzu) has been battling secondary glaucoma in her left eye and will be going to surgery soon. Do you know of a relationship between glaucoma and eye cancer? Thank you.
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t related although who knows. But at this point, I haven’t seen anyone else on this site who has a dog with glaucoma who also has cancer.
My Rottweiler has osteosarcoma and glaucoma. They both presented nearly simultaepusly.
Hi I have had a worrying 12 months
My 5 year old Maltese shitzu got glaucoma in her left eye came overnight within hours by the time I got her to the vet the next day damage was done, she had her eye removed and a prosthesis put in!
Within the 5 months I noticed the other eye deteriorating so I was on to it she’s had laser recently but after 3 weeks pressure is still 34 she has no sight as yet but eye specialist thinks still may be a chance her sight may come one inflammation goes down. She has 2 lots of drops twice daily lumigan and brizomide !
I’ve just bought some vegetable glycerine and vitamin c powder and I’m trying to track some ocuflox
How much vit c and glycerine could I give her she is 7 kilos
I’m trying my best to try a selvage a but of sight by reducing pressure Thanks in advance Cheryl
Your story sounds like mine Cheryl. We tried laser surgery as well and they said the same thing, that they sight may return once the inflammation goes down. Unfortunately that wasn’t to be the case. However, the pressure did stay down and although she remained blind in the eye, it didn’t need to be removed. But I have no idea if the pressure would have returned because it wasn’t too long after that she was diagnosed with a nasal tumour and she didn’t live for much longer after that.
The glycerin is excellent for keeping the pressure down. I can’t really give you specifics on how much to give your dog but I guess if my dog who was 15 kilos had 10mls then a dog that is 7 kilos would have about half that so maybe 5mls. And probably the same with the vitamin c – half the quantity I gave my dog.
We are using oral glycerin and vit c in conjunction with drops prescribed by our vet ophthalmologist. Our dog has lost vision in both eyes from
Glaucoma and is scheduled for bilateral enucleation the end of January. Do you know how long we can keep giving the glycerin? I have read it is sweet and I worry about the effect of it long term but we also are trying to manage discomfort until we can get the surgery done.
I was told by the specialist looking after my dog that the glycerin should only be given during emergencies. In other words, when the pressure in the eye looked particularly bad. It would help to bring down the pressure pretty quickly. So it’s not something that should be given regularly.
If the pressure is at a reasonable level then you really should only be giving it the drops the vet has prescribed and then glycerin when the pressure has spiked. I assume your vet has prescribed some type of drops for your dogs eyes??
My vet said only to use it for two days and the key is to take their water away so the glycerin can work effectively.
During the time my golden retriever was about 9-10 years old, he was bathed every 3-4 weeks at the groomers my vet had. The dog’s eye (left) always seemed a little “weepy” which my vet attributed to allergies. It never seemed accurate that only one eye could be affected. I decided to take him to an eye specialist who told me if I had brought him in sooner, he might have been able to save his sight. (sigh) After a regimen of drops, drops and more drops within several months both eyes had glaucoma, his pressure levels were very high (40+) even with drops and I was aware of his pain. He had cryosurgery which froze the nerve in the eye, meaning he had no pain, and no chance of seeing again. Of course, he already had no ability to see. It’s two years now and he’s actually doing okay. Obviously no running. For all intents and purposes he seems to be able to manage quite well and have no pain. He still “brings in the paper” and often the mail like he always did.
And of course, he has a different vet.
I admire your positive attitude after all that.
My dog is 12+ and went blind 9 months ago. She went deaf a few years before that, and has had seizures since she was little. For years my vet said the seizures were idiopathic- not treatable but not harmful. Then he decided they were due to liver disease, and basically said she would not survive anesthesia. Then he said her hearing and sight were just old age. I finally got a new vet last year, and went to the eye doctor. Turns out she never had the liver disease, and could have done fine with surgery. Her cataracts could have possibly been slowed, maybe even restored. It’s like everything the vet saw was just “oh well, that’s how she is”.
I feel so horrible and guilty I took all of the old vet’s diagnosis as the truth. Now she’s having heart problems on top of everything else. I know I can’t change the past and feeling bad isn’t helping her, but I’m angry at the suffering and outcome of his poor medical advice.
I want to have cataracts removed if possible and it might be too late, but I’m still so scared of anesthesia. She’s ok, eats and drinks, likes our walks, but otherwise she just sleeps. I believe she’s depressed, but I don’t know if any surgery is worth the risk.
I hope anyone else who has a vet tell them nothing can be done will trust yourself and get another opinion!
My vet attributed it to allergies too!!! I have a Border Collie Mix withPrimary Glaucoma is blind in one eye and pressures are up in other eye. I’m consulting with an ophthalmologist. Time to find a new vet! The other eye has a luxated lens and the specialist wants to remove it and reinsert. He claims the vision will be permanently blurry, but doesn’t guarantee permanent eye sight!
My dog recently had his right eye at 67 pressure. Vet sent me home with ointment and drops which seem to be working and now he is active and seems his usual self. Vet never told me when to stop putting the drops and ointment every 8 hours so I will play it by what I see.
This article you wrote has helped a lot.
My question to you is:
What brand of vitamin C did you use for your dog? I would like to get started on some sort of regime for my boy. He is a cocker spaniel named Inu. I also liked the Ocu-Glo Rx product.
Godspeed and thank you in advance.
Hi, regarding the vit C. It needs to be Ester C. As it is much gentler on their tummies. With oral glycerine
My 6 year old dog is waiting to have both eyes removed. He is on all the usual medications Latanaprost, Dorzolomine and Timolol, but his pressure are spiking and he’s in pain. Can anyone tell me where to buy oral glycerine in the U.S.?
You can get oral glycerin from your eye doctor or a pharmacy I believe. It’s pretty commonly given out in dogs with eye pressure. I don’t think it’s hard to find. However, my shih refuses it. Even in ice cream. She has secondary glaucoma and her pressures were 85 & 90! They were 38 & 58 when we left the office.
Our 1 year old husky just came down with glaucoma in her left eye. He said there were probably signs, but it literally happened over night. There was no weepy eye, squinting, swelling, redness, cloudiness, or difference in pupil size. Hurts pretty bad to see a puppy go through this.
my dog (dash 7yr old) got glaucoma in both eyes, is it curable by any type of treatment, if operation required, what type of operation needed and what is the success rate, pl let me know as earliest
There currently is no cure for glaucoma in dogs. You can keep the pressure in the eye down for a period of time – sometimes 3 months, sometimes for a year or longer, but pretty much most of these dogs that get glaucoma eventually go blind.
When that happens, it will mean eye removal surgery (enucleation) as the dog is in constant pain otherwise. It is a relatively standard operation and most vets can perform it.
There are also other options like laser surgery for instance. Check out this page as it provides a number of different alternatives. –
Where is the best place to get vita from pls
Hi, my 12 year old Shi tzu, Sadie, has her left eye that has been gradually growing larger. She has not had very little discharge, rarely, she does get the redness at times, she has cataracts (one vet said), (other vet said Sadie’s eyes are fine), Sadie seems to be in pain sometimes. Sadie also has an allergy and I am not sure what it is. I have been trying to figure it out for the past 2 years. Her left ear starts to fill with water. I’m thinking that this is what is causing her eye to be this way, until I stumbled across your article. I want to believe the one vet, that it is cataracts and not to worry. He gave me TobraDex (antibiotic/corticosteroide),Convenia, and Osurnia Otic Gel X 1ml. It has been 6 months since this treatment and her body has now become covered in boil like sores. The fluid that exits (on its own) is clear to a very pale yellow in color. I hear that this happens from using too much steroids. I feel so helpless. I can’t afford the vet bills. I am furious that one vet that I paid, gave Sadie a clean bill of health (in the report, eyes were checked).
I have a shih tzu who has had ear problems and I give her half of a Benadryl morning and night. She weighs 9 lb. , it seems to come and go during allergy season. I also give her vitamin C morning and night and zinc morning and night during these flare-ups and just seems to help her. I hope this helps your pup, many blessings to you and your little one! Keep doing your research and good luck!
Hi Paula! Your Site has been very helpful. Recently my almost 10 year old golden retriever was diagnosed with glaucoma. He had a terrible episode that scared us all. He is still able to see a bit, but I’ve already come to terms with him going blind. I just don’t want to see him hurting, because I can tell how much it bothers him. He’s already on medication but, even though he is better than yesterday, he still has some pain.
I actually came here looking for answers in terms of treatment. My vet (she’s an opthalmologist) told me that they don’t perform surgery for alleviating pressure because it doesn’t work very well on dogs for they produce too much fibrin. I wanted to know if you found that surgery helpful or what was the best solution in your experience. I ask Paula, but if any of the lucky pet parents that have commented here can give me some insight Max and I would be forever grateful. Thank you!
My 9 year old Maltese has Glaucoma in R eye and is blind. His L eye is going blind. I don’t want him to be bumping into things and in pain. Feeling guilty but should I put him to sleep? The vet bills have been so high. I am a pensioner and really can’t afford $281 each time I need to get the 3 bottles of eye drops
Marg, you do what is best for you and your puppy. I am a total dog and animal lover, but draw the line when treatment will either put me into debt or is money I can’t really afford to spend. Don’t ever feel guilty about putting your financial security as a priority. Good luck
Take you pets prescriptions to a pharmacy, it is a lot cheaper than getting them at your vet. I got my first lot at a vet and it cost me over $300. Second trip I asked for a written prescription and took it to my pharmacy and it only cost me $42.
Absolutely! Rite Aid has a discount program for almost half the cost!
I know this is a very personal choice, but I feel sad to hear about putting a dog to sleep when they could still have a happy life. My dog struggled for a few weeks when she lost her sight completely, but once she adjusted, and actually once I let her adjust instead of feeling sorry, she was really doing well. I think if you still notice the little things your dog enjoys, and they’re not in terrible pain, maybe they still want to be with you.
For the medications – please do check online for the medications. I know how expensive they can be, I was charged $90 for my dog’s eye drops, for a month supply. I was searching just to learn more about the drug when I saw it costs around $10 or $15 from several different stores, for the exact same thing!! They usually can call your vet to verify the Rx. I hope that helps. It hurts me to hear this tough situation, best wishes 🙂
Hello everyone.
My 1 year old pug wawa was injured in his right eye when he was just 4 months old. He had corneal ulcers that wouldn’t go away, so he was required to have a flap surgery. After his surgery, his IOP was going up and down. He was on oral steroids, steroid eye drops, dorzolamide+timolol for around 6 months. Until then, no one told us about glaucomoa. We decided to find another doctor for wawa. A specialist. That’s when we found out that Wawa had secondary glaucoma. Wawa is only 1 year old now. He still has some sight left in his right eyes. 3weeks ago, he also developed bulluos keratopathy in his glaucoma eye. Doctor said there is no cure for bulluos keratopathy or glaucoma. We were devastated. Worse yet, someone told us that even secondary glaucoma can effect the other eye. If this is true, we would like to remove his right eyes before it effects his left eyes, even though it has some sight left. I don’t see point of obsessing over his glaucoma eye when we can save his normal eye. We’ve been going to the vet every week until now and we spent about 7000000 KRW, which would be around 7k in USD. (We are in Korea) however, even so, none of the doctors were able to help out my poor dog. When I asked them ‘if his right eye that has SECONDARY glaucoma, would it also effect his left eye’ 2 of the doctors avoided my question and 1 of the doctor said he wants to ask another doctor. I am so confused and paranoid that it will. He is only 1 year old and I want him to have a good life quality.
Hi there,
Thanks so much for posting this. I just got news yesterday that my 6 year old shiba inu has primary glaucoma. We took her to the vet and he said it was most likely conjunctivitis, but it never cleared up. We took her back a few days later and he said we had to see a specialist. The pressure in her left eye was up to about 45. Sadly her left eye must be removed.
My wife and I are having a really hard time coming to terms with the fact that she will most likely go blind within a year. The vet said the right eye could go tomorrow or 1 year from now there’s no way of knowing. I know that she will no longer be in pain, but it’s been a really hard time for us emotionally. Luckily she is a very resilient dog.
Thank you for all of your help and reading the comments was helpful as well.
Same thing happened to me. The vet diagnosed conjunctivitis first but fortunately he said to come back the next day to get his boss (with more experience) to check it out. That’s when they diagnosed glaucoma.
I’m in the same situation with my 8.5 yr old golden retriever getting her right eye removed tomorrow I’m devised totally as this happened over night no signs and been told same as you that the left eye can go at any time it’s so hard to come to terms with and the pain she has been in
Hey I also have a shiba at the same age diagnosed with surgery scheduled tomorrow for the blind eye and a laser treatment on the other eye since it’s primary. I’m wondering what you did and how it’s going now?
My 9 year old shih tzu was diagnosed with glaucoma. We believe she is almost completely blind – bumping into things, falling up/down stairs, Etc. Our vet said she was likely in significant pain. The glaucoma was so advanced that medication would be of no use. Our choices were to remove the eyes, or put her down. We chose the latter, as I couldn’t bare to take her eyes out. She was just put to sleep today, and I feel it was the best choice given her age and level of discomfort. Her eye pressure was high in both eyes, and she just wanted to be by herself all day. She shivered a lot too, which made us think she was in pain. This has been the hardest decision in my life. She has been with us thru 2 moves and was there when we welcomed each of our 3 kids home. She was apart of our family, but it was time to end her suffering.
I have a 14 year Shiapoo mix. Was just told totally blind rt eye with glaucoma. Her left eye ulcer removed. Now blind eye has eye pressure of 25 $1,200 invested so far. . Now being told to do procedure of a injection with 70% good results on blind eye. This is $1,100. Left eye will need drops till glaucoma destroys that eye. Looking at $3,000 with no guarantees. Please help with advice
My 11 year old cocker, Ellie Mae is scheduled to have her right eye removed tomorrow. Her pressure was 50 last Thursday but since a week of eye drops she seems to be fine- no pain. I don’t know what to do. I hear the drops eventually stop working. Should I just go ahead and have it done?
Wondering the same here I’m in the same boat. What did you end up doing?
I can’t answer for Robin but as the admin of this site, I have so many dogs with glaucoma come through here and pretty much the answer to your question will be that they ended up removing the eye.
If you dog still has sight then continue with the drops for as long as possible. This assumes that the pressure stays down and the dog is in no pain. At some point however the eye will need to be removed.
You can also consider laser surgery. You would need to talk to you vet about this but he/she would need to send you off to a specialist. It’s costly and doesn’t always work but it’s worth investigating.
My cocker has probable glaucoma-we are seeing the opthamologist tomorrow. The eye is so awful looking! Matted, red, semi bulging. My question is does this ever get better on dogs that are being managed with medication? Or does this red bulging remain? It looks so painful, although she is resting now.
Hello. The bulging goes down if they respond to medication and the pressure goes down. The redness remains. I am sorry your pup is in pain.
We just found out that our 12 yr. old dachshund has glaucoma, in both eyes. We have started Latanoprost drops. The vet said we are looking at eye removal if the drops don’t work. I cannot wrap my head around removing my dog’s eyes. I don’t want him in pain…..but remove his eyes????
I’m with you there. Would love some feedback on people who have had this done. I have to make a decision in the next few weeks. I am sorry about your puppy.
I have a friend owho has a 8 lb Chihuahua and he had to have one of his eyes removed because the pressure was too great and he was in pain. The vet sewed the eyes shut and the dog seems to be so much happier and has adapted very well. Rather the eye is in zipor not, either way they’re going to be blind it’s just if they’re going to be in severe pain and blind, that is kind of the question you have to ask yourself. Best of luck!
My cocker had his eyes removed and he is doing amazing!!!!? So happy tail wags all the time….
I love reading that your dog is do amazing!
I found a Cocker at a local shelter and I think both eyes should be removed. How much is the surgery?
It will depend what country you are in for starters. If in the US, it can range anywhere from $300 to over $1000. It will depend heavily on what the vet is prepared to charge. A specialist will pretty much always charge more so go with a vet.
My 11 yr old golden retriever. Has glaucoma in both eyes. She’s lost sight in one eye. And the other is being treated with drops. My quesytion is, why is it that some days the cloudiness goes away and she she’s pretty well and other days she’s totally blind in the “good” eye? I’m giving the drops o a regular basis, 3 times a day. Why does this happen?
Did u ever find out why the good eye would go blind?
would like to hear Hi there. My little girl a poodle x was diagnosed with primary Glaucoma a couple of months ago. Her good eye flared up a couple of weeks ago with a scratched which turned into an ulcer. We are trying to heal the ulcer to see if the pressure goes down. I would like to hear from the people who have had both the eyes removed and how the healing process goes and how the adapation and recovery for our little ones goes. Thank you.
I have a 5 month shitzu pup was battling with a corneal ulcer for 4 weeks. Vet treated him with two types of drop. One was Exocin drops and the other a serum. After 4 weeks vet said he needed surgery to administer antibiotic directly bt sent me to eye specialist first. Specialists said no to surgery and continue drops for anther 5 days with oral antibiotic. When we return to specialist after 5 days he said stop all treatment and see me in 3 weeks. We went back today and heard our pup has glaucoma with a pressure of 55 in his injured eye. I’m devastated because needs to remove the eye. Do I take him for a second opinion with another eye specialist or remove eye without delay? I’m so confused. I also question the treatment. When I returned to the specialist today after 3 weeks he asked a strange question I.e. how was his eye injured. I mean the specialist saw him 3 weeks ago and had a complete file on Pacha. We live in Cape Town South Africa.
I have just come across this page, which I must say has been helpful.
My jack Russell x is having surgery tomorrow. We found out Friday that she has glaucoma in her right eye and tomorrow (Monday) it will be removed with a prosthesis put in place.
We are finding it extremely hard to believe. She was holding her right eye shut and squinting her eye at the end of march. We took her straight to the vet and was told she has scratch her cornea and has conjunctivitis. So medication was applied to both eyes for the next two weeks. During this time her eye went really puffy and swollen. We spoke to the vet who said it’s just swelling from the injury. Her eye seemed to decrease in size so we assumed that it was getting better. We went for a check up on Friday and a different vet took one look and referred us straight to an eye specialist who then gave us the sad news. I just wished I went a saw an eye specialist straight away! Too be honest I never even knew they existed for animals! We have since found out that her other eye has glaucoma but still has sight so we have started using medication to hopefully save her sight in that eye as long as we can. The funny thing is, is that she is still running and jumping around, eating, her behaviour hasn’t changed. We just don’t want to believe it. We are now going to have our other jack Russell x seen to just in case he has inherited it.
I hope everyone and their furkids are doing well xx
I really empathise with you Kerrie. I feel so guilty that I did not understand my dogs eye issue. I visited the vet 5 weeks ago and again 3 weeks later both times I was told that my 8 year old cocker had what looked like conjunctive infection. I have been using the cream they gave me but became very concerned so went to a specialist yesterday, they advised me that she had glaucoma in the left eye and had no sight and that I should consider removing the eye. I am still in shock so have come away with two different eye drops to reduce the pressure. I want to think of my dogs best interests but am still in shock, do I get the eye removed use drops continuously I feel physically sick so many emotions, angry at my own vet, guilty that I should have kept pestering my vet to refer me to a specialist, if so many vets are mis diagnosing Glaucoma why do they not advise a referral, I was told that if she had been seen by the specialist 3 weeks ago her sight could have been saved. How does a dog cope with eye removal ? and if she gets too stressed would this trauma not cause it to come in her other eye. After 8 years of love and care I feel I have let my dog down. if I get the pressure down will she still be in pain? so many questions which I am desperately looking for answers for.
I feel your pain, literally. I hope things are ok and you are not feeling such horrible guilt. I posted above about my last vet giving me several wrong diagnosis, and just brushing the rest off as old age. She’s deaf and blind, has epilepsy, and now heart disease. I don’t know how much of it could have been prevented or slowed, but I know for sure she could have safety had eye and dental surgery before all of this got so bad. My vet thought her seizures were from liver disease and said anesthesia would probably be fatal.
Last year I finally got sick of this weird idea that he’s the expert and my inner feeling was wrong that there’s something missing. I found a new vet, specialists, and confirmed she never had any liver problem. She does have cataracts and dental disease, that both should have been treated a long time ago, when she was way healthier and didn’t have to suffer needlessly.
I ‘ve gone through the grief, anger, overwhelmed, physically sick, all of it.
For one, I don’t think you have to do surgery until it’s painful and meds don’t work. Also every story I’ve seen, people say their dog is so much happier after removing a painful eye. I know it’s hard to think about – I’m saying this to myself as much as to you. Just remember most of the aversion is probably because we are thinking about how horrible it would be if we had no eye. But think about your dog’s (totally awesome) perspective – they are super happy to go walk, sniff stuff everywhere, and snuggle with you. If free from pain and maybe some extra love and treats during recovery, life is good. Totally complete and really good. 🙂
My almost 10 yr old shitzu just went blind. she was diagnosed with diabetes about 4 months ago…but insulin treatment did not get her glucose under control. Vet said maybe cushings….she had an ultrasound but did
not have any tumors on her adrenal glands.
She is getting thyroid tests, adrenal panels, glucose study….but i know none of this will get her sight back.
She is so depressed….not sure if she is in pain due to glaucoma…..
I feel helpless and I just hope she doesn’t blame me….maybe i could have prevented it some how?
Can’t even think of euthanasia….but don’t want her to be in pain and be unhappy.
First thank your for this site!
Hi Janis,
We have almost an identical story… except our dog is not a shitzu, but a terrier mix. Also about 10-11 years old. Has diabetes for maybe a 3-4 months. Insulin doesn’t seem to be working. It works sometimes but other times her values are over 400. Then within a week or two developed cataracts in both eyes. Then one eye got glaucoma overnight. We had that eye removed and giving drops in her other eye. Within a week the eye has glaucoma. She is on pain meds now, and has good and bad days.
It sort of seems that being on pain meds helps with the diabetes values though, but not always. Same for you?
Has your dog then lost weight as well and not gaining any back? Ours has last weight but is somewhat stabilized now. She still has a very good appetite.
But same thing the vet can’t pinpoint it exactly. Had ultrasounds, xrays, blood tests, urine tests and nothing definitive.
I think we will have to put her down unfortunately. She is blind right now, and the other eye should come out. The vet thinks it’s some sort of cancer and it’s only going to get worse. This development with glaucoma and cataracts this fast is not normal and there must be some other other underlying condition.
I am curious to hear anymore what you found because it is frustrating not to know what is wrong. Wondering if there is something else we can do.
Hello Janis
I have a now 13 year old Minature Schnauzer that was diagnosed with Glaucoma last June. I took her to a specialist and within a week even using pressure drops she had lost all of her eye sight. It took a while to get the pressure down and during that time she was pretty uncomfortable and slept a lot. They gave me pain meds and that seemed to help. I just did the pressure drops and they monitored it. It would go up and then go down. You could always tell from her energy level. She is in great shape healthwise except for that. We talked about removing her eyes by the specialist didn’t want to do that because of her age. I actually took her in to have the i injections that would cause her eyes to stop producing the fluid causing the pressure and they checked her pressure just before and it was way down so he wanted to wait. Fortunately her eyes started shrinking on their own so the pressure went away and the glaucoma was gone. She does have dry eye so I clean her eyes and put an ointment in 2x a day and that is all I have to do. She goes for a follow up this June which will be a year. My vet had talked about euthanasia at one of my appointments too when the pressure was still up. He could tell that was the wrong thing to do.
So please don’t give up on your sweet little baby. The pressure makes them miserable. Take her to an eye specialist. They are more familiar with this and can offer the best care. I don’t know if you have a VCA vet in your area but that is who I went through. You will be surprised how much better she will do. As far as adapting I am shocked how my little Callie does and so will yours. Sure she still bumps into things but it doesn’t stop her. I got her an automatic feeder that she can hear when her food drops and a water fountain so she can hear her water on Amazon. Both have really helped.
Good Luck
Clancy is a 16 year old Cocker. He has been on Glaucoma Meds for over three years. I get his Azopt from Canada. It is so expensive in the USA, and only $46 for two bottles of these eye drops from Canada. I checked out the Company with the makers of the medication, and they told me it is a totally legit Pharmacy. He is also on Tramadol for discomfort and Tacrolimus for dryness. These three drugs
need prescriptions from Vet. So far He seems to be doing okay, and has some small vision, he
can see a white treat on the black rug across the room. I use to give him Ester’C’ gummies chopped up in his wet food, but our local stores no longer carry the gummie version. I have bottle of the tablets, but he doesn’t do well with taking them and spits them out even though I wrap them in a piece of Turkey lunch meat.
Gus is my 16 yo terrier mixed breed companion. He’s been on various meds since his glaucoma diagnosis in November 2016. I am in the US. His current meds and where I get them: least expensive to buy Azopt from Canada, and latanaprost and dexamethasone from Costco. Brinzolamide is compounded, and I get it from the vet at a relatively good price. I’m not sure how much longer I can hang in there on the meds and vet checks…it’s been a very expensive year…and he has good and bad days from arthritis in hips and spine, too. I pretty much feel like I’ve been maintaining doggie hospice care for him this last year…his quality of life seems to take precedence over mine these days. Not many people discuss the stress of caregiving on elder pets, especially when the caregiver is elder, too.
Thank you for this very helpful site.
My 15week old pup was just diagnoised with primary glacoma. He’s lost vision in his right eye. This all happened so fast and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. How long do u do the drops till you cant anymore? Do u remove the eye, or both? My poor pup, i keep researching and i cant find this happening to such a young dog, i just feel bad for him.
Hi I myself am like you my 8 week old frenchie has been diagnosed and I can’t find any answers either on the prognosis for the future …if you could give me any insight I would greatly appreciate it we are so heartbroken for our little guy
When it comes to glaucoma in dogs the progression can vary greatly so there is no set time for when things will happen. Either way, and this is something most people don’t want to hear (I know I didn’t), the dog will most likely eventually lose sight in both eyes. It usually starts with one eye and and that can be kept at bay with drops for a while – sometimes 3 months, sometimes 6 months and if lucky a year or more. They will eventually lose sight and the eye will have to be removed as the pain is just a bit too much for the dog to go through on a daily basis. The other eye usually follows. Again there is no set time limit on this. It can be a few months or a year or more. Again the eye will eventually have to be removed. BUT and this is a BIG BUT, please don’t feel like this is the end of the world. I have been administering this site for a number of years now and the same story pretty much applies. It goes like this, the person finds out there dog has glaucoma and they find out that eventually the dog will go blind, have eyes removed etc, they are devastated, they may cry for days and feel sorry for their dog. They feel helpless and don’t know what to do, but they administer the drops and hope for the best. Eventually one eye has to be removed, they are devastated again (who wouldn’t be right – I know I was). The eye is removed and they take the dog home. Fast forward a month or two after the operation and they come back to the site and they are a whole new person. They wondered why they ever felt so devastated. They realise their dog is coping fine without the eye. In fact, the dog is coping great. AND just remember that even if your dog has to eventually have both eyes removed that it is not the end of the world. My dog went completely blind but she still raced out of the dog door when she heard my other dog barking, she still pulled me along when we went for a walk, she still knew where her dog bowl was at dinner time, she still jumped up on my lap, she still wandered around the house and yard unaided. Not much changed for her. Trust me that it will be okay.
I wrote about Gus on 11/18/17 and here we are on 1/07/18 waiting for the ophthalmologist to call about when to bring Gus to the office tomorrow. He is going to have chemical ablation of his L eye (blind) which has been spiking up into the 50s. When the L eye starts spiking, the R (sighted) eye does, too. At first, I was hopeless and wanted the vet to help him pass. But now I’ve decided to put him through the procedure tomorrow and hope for some more good times. He is 16 years old, and a very, very brave dog.
Hope all goes well Susan. 16 is a good old age and the procedure should at least get rid of the pain for him. Keep us updated.
Hi my 1year old dog Felix (bernedoodle) just gcame down from glaucoma and right now he is getting 24hr care at the animal hospital but what I am wondering is even with medication and treating it will he still go blind?i need a answer ASAP
Hi – Have a bernedoodle that was diagnosed with glaucoma at 4 months old. We opted to remove his right eye after considering all of the options. Now, at 11 months, he’s exhibiting symptoms in the other eye. Wondered if you’d be up for discussing your pup’s outcome? Your comment is the first I’ve found involving a bernedoodle with a similar condition. Hope you’re still around to see this!
Thank you for all responses. They have helped so much. My little 13 year old shih-tzu, Cocoa, developed a severe corneal ulcer overnight. He had a cataract in that eye as well. When he saw the vet, he was diagnosed with secondary glaucoma in his right eye. We took him to a specialist the next day and were told his eye was about to rupture, so we had to have it removed. He’s doing great 2 weeks later. His left eye has a cataract in it but his pressure is ok right now. He can see well with it. But this is so worrisome since what I’m reading is he will lose his vision & get glaucoma in his other eye. Is that correct? Can anyone tell me what else can be done to save his good eye. I won’t put him through another eye removal again. It breaks my heart thinking about this because he is in such good health otherwise and is such a good boy. He’s so special to us. Thanks for any responses. I wish all of you the best in your own experiences with this difficult issue.
Hi there for the past month and a half me and my fur baby suzie my 4 year old jack Russel has been back and forth to the Vets when we first went her r eye had swollen and she was in pain so I took her straight up to the Vets which said she had an eye infection. We had to take her back a couple of days later for a check up and another vet seen her and said she looked fine but wanted to see her in another couple of days just to make sure the eye drops were working so we took her back and seen yet another vet which told us that her retener had detached from her eye and they would need to speak to a specialist which they when in the back and did they came back and said they have advised eye drops and regular appointment for pressure tests on her eyes which we have done every week and one vet we see she keep telling us to have my fur baby’s eye taken out I’ve fought this and spoke to a senior vet vet which has agreed with me and my husband that she is not in pain and she is happy at present she is on 2 different eye drops at the minute and is back at the vets on Wednesday again do you think the glirciren would work for suzie to help lower the pressure.
My Ladybug, a 14 year old Maltese, just recently went blind in both eyes within a matter of days due to a cruel disease called SARDS – Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome. The cause of this disease is not known and there is no cure. She has now started developing Glaucoma in her right eye and is on drops. I’m curious if others of you have dogs that first developed SARDS and then Glaucoma soon after.
My Dogue de Bordeaux Lola is 8 & 1/2 years old & just went through having her right eye removed a little over a week ago. As a lot of you have said it literally happened within days. Lola was sprayed by a skunk in the face. We cleaned her up & she was fine. About 3 days later her entire eye went red iris & all. We rushed her to the closest emergency vet. They diagnosed her with uveitis & sent us home with 2 sets of drops. That was a Monday late night that following Sunday my husband woke me up panicked because both of Lola’s eyes were swollen shut. We rushed her to a more advanced emergency vet about 45 minutes away. They took her eyes pressure said it was a bit raised but nothing to crazy & put a referral in with their ophthalmology department. We took Lola in that Wednesday & her right eye pressure was over 65. They gave us about 4 different drops & some oral meds & said to come back in a week. I already knew Lola was blind in her right eye. I couldn’t get any response from it when I was doing my own testing. When we went back the Dr confirmed that she was blind & that she had glaucoma in her right eye. She wanted to do the eye removal surgery ASAP because Lola was in pain. The surgery was over $1,800 & we just don’t have that type of money laying around. Luckily our vet has a fund for people who can’t afford surgery’s. We filed out the form & hoped for the best. We also set up a Youcaring page for Lola & my amazing friends & family were very generous & donated quite a bit. We received a call from the vets office & they were going to cover half of Lola’s surgery! That with the donations from her Youcaring Page covered her surgery! We were very blessed to be so lucky because if not we don’t know what we would have done. I can tell you one thing though putting her down was NEVER EVER a option! I wouldn’t have sold my home, my car or one of my organs before I would ever put my baby down because of her needing eye removal surgery. She is doing amazing so far! You wouldn’t even know she had the surgery if she still didn’t have her “cone of shame” on & stitches still in. Her recheck is next Thursday & they will remove the stitches then. They did do a autopsy on the eye they removed & it came back as primary glaucoma. Lola never showed one symptom of it. The entire skunk ordeal was just a messed up coincidence! It just amazes me that this can come on so fast & take a dogs vision & us as their protectors have no clue it’s even happening until it’s too late! We are now treating Lola’s other eye because we know that in time she will most likely loose her vision in that eye too. But I will do everything in my power to prolong that as long as I can. My baby loves to watch tv especially animals she gets so excited when she sees them. I am researching every single thing I can do besides the drops that I can do to keep her vision for her.
Thank you for writing this amazing article! Just because a dog looses a eye or ends up having to loose both does not mean it’s the end for them. They are far more adaptable than humans are. Please any of you that are thinking about putting your fur babies down because of this please think again! If it’s because of the cost there are a ton of sources out there that will help with the cost. You can set up a Youcaring or a GoFundMe Page & people will donate! It’s not the end for your baby! I was devastated when I found out that Lola was loosing her eye but watching how she’s adapted this past week has blown me away! And if/when she has to loose her other eye I know she will adapt to that too. Best of luck to all of your fur babies!
Thank you for your stories. It is reassuring to that I’m not alone. Two years ago my dog Baci had his left eye removed two years ago due to glaucoma. Tomorrow he is having his right eye removed as well. It has been an up and down emotional month for me and of pain, tests, and medications for Baci. As with most owners they are such an important part of lives, that we try to do whatever we can for them in return for the unconditional love they give to us.
I am so sad finding myself having to comment on here as it means my 14 year old Lhasa Apso is suffering too. Pepper was diagnosed with glaucoma 4 days ago and is on 3 different types of drops, which he hates. We visited our vet again on Thursday to see if the medication was working and thankfully it is – the pressure in his eyes has almost halved. What I would like to ask is how long does it usually take for a dog to adjust to being blind. I feel Pepper isn’t coping very well at all and I am worried that his quality of life isn’t what it was. I don’t want to have to put pepper to sleep as he is my everything and it would break my heart but he seems so scared as you can imagine. He lost his sight in just one day. He seems scared, confused and disoriented. He sleeps a lot and sometimes wets himself. Please help
It’s very early days yet for Pepper, but the one thing I can suggest is to not acknowledge him when he is showing signs of anxiety or fear. I know that is a tough one but it actually works at reducing the fear. I have a sighted dog who has a LOT of anxiety issues. She will be relaxing one minute and then jump up suddenly as if someone has poked her with a pin or something. When she used to do this in the past, I would talk to her, pat her and so on to just reassure her. It wouldn’t help, she would pace the house for sometimes hours after that in fear. Then I saw a video of a group of dogs and a younger dog was in the group whimpering about something. The older dogs completely ignored it and the voice over was explaining how dogs do this and how it helps to calm the younger one as they are not making a big deal of it. So I did that with my girl. When she jumps up I completely ignore her – like totally ignore her. I keep doing exactly what I am doing and don’t even turn to look at her. This worked beautifully. It took a few months of this but now when she jumps up, I can see her out of the corner of my eye looking at me to see if I am going to acknowledge her. When I don’t she simply gets back into bed. It’s actually been amazing to see and it has totally cured her of the pacing.
Now, also consider that the sleeping a lot, peeing etc is because of the pain. When the pressure on the eye increases, so does the pain. It’s like having a migraine 24/7. That’s why it’s so important to use the drops on a regular basis. You can only miss one session and the pressure can go up.
At this point, Pepper is still getting used to things. He will get better but just try not to fuss too much with him. Let him get his bearings on his own. Try to use your voice rather than your hands to direct him and use a confident voice when you are doing it. He needs to feel your confidence so that he knows that things are okay.
It will get better.
Hi there,
I tried to comment on this feed from my phone a couple of weeks ago, it looks like it didn’t work. I adopted a 4.5 year old bichon shih tzu (I think, hard to be certain of breed with rescues). Six months after finalizing Eli’s adoption, he woke up one day with a cloudy eye that looked very painful. As it was a Sunday (February 4, 2018), I took him to the emergency vet clinic where he was diagnosed with suspected uveitis and put on Voltaren and Tobrex eyedrops. It cleared up, but then suddenly returned a week later. I would like to note that his eye pressure was not tested at this visit; this is due to Eli being very difficult at the vet, he’s quite fearful and does not really trust anyone except me. Although I wish his pressure had been tested, I honestly don’t think it would have mattered. After a visit to our regular vet on February 10, 2018; where he was sedated in order to obtain eye pressure, I was informed he had glaucoma and his eye would need to be removed. His eye pressure that day was 55. I was heartbroken and devastated. My vet was sure he was blind and was afraid his eye might rupture so she wanted to remove the eye ASAP. Only problem was, I was leaving on vacation the following day. It was so hard to go, but I knew my boy was in good hands staying with my sister while I was gone (she is a nurse). I postponed the surgery, but I ended up coming home a couple of days early and on February 21 we went to see a board-certified ophthalmologist; who confirmed the glaucoma diagnosis, and recommended that I proceed with eye removal. The drops he was on had succeeded in lowering his pressure only to 52. The other problem she noticed was that his retina was detached, and had been for quite some time, likely since before I had adopted him :-(. The positive that I took away from this was that he had already adjusted to having sight in only one eye, so having the left eye removed was going to relieve pain. As I had had time to process the original news, it didn’t seem quite as difficult to accept hearing it the second time around, especially since the news was coming from an animal eye specialist with 12 years of experience.
I’m happy to report that Eli had left-eye enucleation on February 26, and is recovering very well. While he was under anasthetic, he also had laser retinopexy on the right eye, which will reduce the chance of that retina detaching from 60% to 10%. He is unfortunately predisposed to glaucoma, he has no drainage for the aqueous humour, so it is a very real possibility that he may lose his right eye as well.
In order to combat this and hopefully delay the onset of glaucoma in his right eye, the ophthalmologist has prescribed methazolamide for him, which he will take twice a day for the rest of his life. This is an orally administered medication; I have had it compounded from pill form to a liquid with beef flavour! He loves it! I just mix it into a tablespoon of wet food and it’s down the hatch! It can get expensive, but it’s so much easier than stressing him out having to fight to get eye drops in every day.
So far things are looking okay for the right eye. He is in great spirits, his pain is completely gone, and after only 3 days post-op he is eating and drinking well, running around wanting to play, and giving me lots of snuggles and cuddles! I feel positive now about the decision I made, and am so happy that he is doing well.
So for anyone who has a dog who has had one eye removed due to glaucoma and you are trying to save the fellow eye, I would recommend you check with your vet about methazolamide; and read up a bit on it, especially if your dog has difficulty getting eye drops administered. There are limited side effects, none of which I have seen exhibited in Eli thus far.
Thanks for reading everyone 🙂
– Cindy
Are there no positive success stories about people taking their companions in with possible early symptoms or thinking it was glaucoma but just an eye infection of some sort that could have lead to glaucoma but was treated in time? Or possibly the medications being given being the culprit of it worsening only for temporary relief? I’ve heard stories about early onsets such as the depressive mood, trying to itch their eye with dew claws, a mosquito bite that caused symptoms of glaucoma and then being given medications that we’re for glaucoma that ended up just messing up the homeostasis of the eye to naturally take care of itself. One guy I remember seeing a story years back had simply been living in a very stressful situation after having a good life but then was in a very industrial area with lots of pollution and debree and wood dust etc…and that he moved to the mountains (not too high up so the pressure change and elevation wasn’t too drastic) and simply being able to have fun with the dog again and his mood/stress/sleep helped a lot…that how in the city he was working long nights and that the dogs tend to stay up when your up or be restless and not having a natural light cycle affected this. I’ve read things breed specific too like huskies typically having zinc deficiency which can cause trouble with absorption of other things or proper function, and skin issues being the first symptom and if followed with swollen eyes and a weakened immune system not put back in balance with probiotics opened them up to eye infection on top of the zinc deficiency not treated which lead to glaucoma. And stories about cannabis oil infused with certain vitamins and sups like lucein, and vit c (a dose specific to their already current intake of it from their food so they don’t exceed DRI of it or any other vitamins added) and that this had aided in the signs going away. But the cannabis oil had to be from a specific strain that didn’t cause lethargy, but that the strains that did would help a lot with inflammation and pressure if they struggled with that type of glaucoma. I don’t have any sources sadly as I never thought I’d come to a day where my companion would run into the symptoms. He’s showing signs of what humans would call “closed-angle” glaucoma… Swelling eyelids, vomitting, pain in one eye. I’ve read some dog foods can influence this, especially if switching during high stress times of moving around a lot, with the onset of a hot season if they are a cold weather breed. There are so many factors, and so many different dog breeds in comparison to humans that sure…it seems untreatable but how in the world is there no cure except eye drops, pills and eye removal/surgeries… They are animals and among all else mammals like us and I feel like diet, environmental factors and stress/lifestyle play a huge role and can reverse if not stop it from progressing. Also reading about this in Googles scholarly articles, opthalmologists and vets in general aren’t as strictly hygenic as with human hospitals (this wasnt in the articles, but we know that going to human hospitals as a human with an already bad issue or weakened immune system or nothing at all, we can pick up bacteria/viruses/airborne elements that lead to problems that didn’t exist…but basically the articles I’d read mentioned going in to some practices can expose you (and is applicable to any hospital for any animal) to something you didn’t have but then left and soon developed…thinking the initial diagnoses was wrong, or actually was right only because they got it from a medical device not properly sterilized. Dogs are on the ground a lot, the dirtiest the environment the more exposure to these toxins and elements that settle on the surface…chemical sprays, pesticides, herbicides, things like ant and cockroach gels drying out and becoming mixed up with dust and spreading or becoming airborn…even just getting something like a piece of small metal or irritant in the eye then going in to have eye pressure checked and the whole 9 yards fir glaucoma and then being exposed to the opthalmologist clinics environment where other animals were with worse diseases, that end up infecting the eye worse or the tool not being autoclaved or replaced with a new tip for example because it’s not something that was taught or in standard procedure…just as with human hospitals over time our doctors laughed at the idea of washing their hands, or that the issue could be the hospital itself. I see potential in vets that travel to a persons home or allow your companion to be seen somewhere like a public park. I know it sounds like “overkill” or ridiculous to some but these “dogs” have emotions, memory and a capacity to think and experience and are limited by their communication and “intelligence” not matching up to ours…but there are breeds which have proven to be very intelligent and understanding of their owners/human friends and they do indeed become affected by the changes and stresses of their guardians… They don’t like seeing us do certain things they associate with trends that negatively impact you or the interactions and habits between the both of you and so on. There’s so much and so little I feel has been looked into, because they’re seen as short lived and not human or that we assume they would rather die…humans once lived like dogs and died about twice the age of dogs, for living and eating like dogs…. We treat our cars better in terms of money invested….and they don’t have emotions, give us body language type feedback and so on. We don’t look into the same advancements for dogs as with humans. I’ve yet to see many studies on the presence of zinc in the specific part of the eye that indicates certain glaucoma that we discovered with humans….. Makes me just want to invest my future into the sciences of prolonging the lives of dogs, rather than put a dog down for hip immobility develope prosthetics/robotics priced no differently than that for humans, as an extreme example. Rather than just rely on medicine/or/holistic medicine also take note of dietary habits and environmental factors. Rather than seeing it as normal for them to die so young or degrade with meds that only focus on symptoms or repeat protocols of what we think the core issues are and how we address them. Nobody talks about CRISPR gene therapy for pets but it’s a big hit with Humans and hereditary/non-hereditsry issues… I’m all for helping humans too but why is there literally no data on studies like this being applied to dogs? There HAS to be a broad spectrum of solutions/factors that we can really take into account and study but we just jumble it all together it seems, and don’t try for advancements….because I get it…these dogs are just our companions meant to live the short lives we’ve accepted as normal..although natural maybe… So is cancer, random mutagenic changes that can be good or bad for the advance of a species or harm it…. And I see no studies just either repeated protocols or non scholarly based holistic approaches (and scholarly based ones but rarely and if so just a repeat of something that reenforces an already suspected holistic approach that works…not something new)… I’m in no way bagging on this site, or dog owners, or vets…I’m frustrated that I just don’t see these things arise in many minds, articles or studies being done.
I’m seriously considering a change in my career path though if this crap takes my dogs eyes away due to lack of our modern day potential not being fully applied to the one species of mammals that has been at our side and domesticated with us for thousands of years. I need to do more research. I will be getting back on year after I find more out that I can actually source/cite/compile in a more scientific manner rather than a long-winded speech of helpless frustration.