Buddy is a Jack Russell Terrier, about 10 years old. For the past 5 years he has suffered from severe allergies due to ragweed. We had been treating him with an antihistamine combined with prednisone. …
Renegade Oliver
Hello my name is Nikki, my dog and best friend is Renegade. He is an Australian Shepard and has micro opthelmia. He is fantastic , he’s 3 years old. He also has hearing problems and can’t tell …
Battle with Glaucoma.
Hi there!..I'm Suzy and I live in Israel with my husband, two kids and my 3 year old chocolate/pointer mix Bella. We found Bella dumped in a garbage pile when she was just 2mths old and immediately …
Sweet Tina’s Tale
My sweet Tina, where to start... She came into our lives as a 1 yo rescue 8 years ago. A mini pin/chihuahua mix, we found her to be almost a delicate, dainty little lady. Unfortunately her life before …