My Boston has been struggling with eye issues for years , but over the course of the last year he lost about 90% of his vision. After several consults with optho surgeons they convinced me at 10 …
Otis, The “South” Boston Terrier
Well, it is like this, Otis, the Boston Terrier has a South Boston attitude! He is kinda like that rabbit in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"! When he goes to the vet, he has to be put in solitary so …
Princess Leia
My boyfriend got a Boston terrier puppy, only ten weeks old. She was attacked by a jack Russell and the other dog bit out her eye ball, causing trauma to the optic nerve in her remaining eye. I …
One Sad Boston Terrier
I have a Boston Terrier named Soxs. She is 9 yrs old but started noticing cloudiness in her eyes when she was 3yrs. I am the kind of person to read up on anything to do with Boston's. I learned that …