My bullmastiff had primary glaucoma. This was determined when the first eye was removed and sent off to the lab to find out what destroyed the vision. It came back as primary glaucoma which confirmed the same thing would happen to his second eye.
Right before the first eye was removed – I was dropping in 14 drops a day (about five different types of drops). At the time I did not know the pain Buddy was in. Once the first eye was removed I told the ophthalmologist that I was not going to do that type of regiment for the other eye – I did not feel that it was right for Buddy to endure the drops when he was in pain and did not understand what was going on with the drops. I did drop two different drops in the right eye three times a day for about two months before that eye was removed.
The first eye was removed in the end of Feburary of this year and the second was removed in the end of May in 2016. Both times the eye went extremely quick.
I would highly recommend you reading “living with Blind Dogs by caroline d levin rn .. Also I just order another book today. There are many great suggestions – that I did do to get ready for Buddy for when the time came he was blind.
Buddy is eight years old and has done amazingly well. My family vet assured that Buddy would still have a good quality of life and he does. It is a hard decision and it is very upsetting to have your dog deal with this. Even though I knew the second eye would go as quickly as the first eye … I can not express how upsetting it was for me when Buddy woke up blind on that Sunday morning… It brought tears to my eyes. Also it brought tears to my eyes and heart when I realized that those beautiful brown eyes were never going to look into my eyes again. The book that I recommended explains dealing with the loss.
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