My beautiful jack Russell is having her eye removed tomorrow. She went suddenly completely blind in her seeing eye a week ago. She has had lense luxation and now glaucoma. I’ve been tortured at the …
My Toby
My best buddy,Toby, Jack Russell terrier/shiba Inu/doxie mix has been my love for 12 yrs. His mom is still with me at age 16 and has cancer but still loves life. Toby had an anal gland infection …
How many tears can I shed?…All of them if I must.
My Sparky, Nearly 10 years ago my wife brought me a little puppy, No papers, no cost, I only had to promise to love him and care for him till death do us part. I did, and I do still. He is a …
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Boydee, my Jack Russell has glaucoma. I took Boydee to my vet as I had noticed his eyes had a bluish tinge to them. The vet diagnosed cataracts and told me he had already lost sight in his left …
Pipa’s Story: Cod Liver Oil and Glaucoma
My sweet dog Pipa is a 12 year old feisty Jack Russel. About a month or so ago I came home from shopping and found him to be a bit disoriented as if he could not walk straight and when I bent down to …
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Hello everyone – we are Loren & Neil from the UK but now Australian citizens living in Perth, West Australia, and we are just starting a new chapter in our lives with our 2 adopted Jack Russells …