Mysti is an almost 8 year old lab/rottie mix that has just lost her sight.
No surgery, no accident just gone. Maybe a stroke.
We as a human and animal family are struggling. Mysti and her new sister a 3 year old mix got into a huge fight yesterday, even blind Mysti won.
I have ordered a halo but it will be here in about 10 days.
Just lost.
Lorilei Peters says
Mystic will work out the terms of her blindness. It will take some time -usually about 2-3 months.
Not sure about the Halo- got one for my jack Russell terrier Lucy, and she hated it. She just sat down and would not move.
Lucy my 13 year old JR went blind 3 years ago today. I was devastated, but not Lucy. She found her way before I came to grips with her blindness. I sprayed all the corners with a lemon scent so she would learn the corners. I have a 300 acre ranch with horses. Bless me, Lucy is a marvel. she just uses her nose and ears and scoots fearlessly around the barns. My other dogs treat her the same. I still treat her eyes and she is living a happy healthly life.