My Yorkie George just went blind. It happened so fast! Seven months ago at his yearly exam I was told that he was too heavy so my husband and I switched to a much more nutritional food for all the dogs (3). George lost weight over a course of six or seven months and we were very happy. He slimmed down and there was less wear and tear on his joints and little legs. We thought all was going great.
Then we noticed a difference in his right eye just days ago. We were outside at the time and thought maybe it was the sunlight making him look different. The next day, in the house, I realized his eye still looked strange (cloudy). Called the vet and the next day after his appointment found out he had diabetes.
At this point, he had complete blindness in one eye and was losing sight in the other. Got schooled on how to administer the insulin and the next day he was completely blind. I was shocked and still am so sad. My husband says that “He’ll get used to it.” I get that, but I am not getting used to it. I feel so sad and guilty, like I should have noticed something sooner but now it’s too late.
Considering it’s only been a couple days, he is doing pretty well. I know he is scared and confused but he seems to be handling it ok. I’m hoping when we get the diabetes under control that we can have at least one eye repaired. I’m told it’s not likely with a diabetic but I am going to try my hardest. It kills me that George can’t see me, or anything else.
Paula - ADMIN says
Your husband is right you know. He will get used to it…pretty quickly in fact. The humans always take a lot longer. It is always so difficult at the start. My heart broke when my girl went blind but when you see them managing so well, it does become so much easier. Pretty soon you will be wondering why you were so worried…. I guarantee it.
Fenella says
The dog will take his cue on how to react from you. If you communicate your sadness he will be sad, if you act normally and are positive about it he will adapt. You will need to be considerate of his needs, eg by keeping your floors clear and nor moving furniture around too much. Sight to a dog is like smell to us – it’s not ideal to lose it but not the end of the world.
Sue says
My jrt lost her right eye ar 3 from glaucoma October 9 years ago, theft took the other one out New Year’s Eve that same year. It was worse for me I think, I retaught her things like step up, step down and we still enjoyed our trips to the beach at night when it was quiet coz she loved chasing stones. I’d throw one and listen to the plop on the sand always found it. He will surprise you how quickly he adapts. Elly used to bolt down the garden I used to put my head in my hands and think oh no your gonna run into the chair but she never did, she must have had it in her head 50 paces down then sharp left. There is loads of info on here that helps. Sadly I lost my smelly Elly to asthma late last year. She was 10 then, she lived life to the full and I loved her so much and miss her millions.
Dedra says
My dog MeeMee who is 7 went blind quickly also – we suspect she had vision issues her whole life resulting in overwhelming anxiety and hostility towards people or animals she did not already know. In the last 2 months her vision has completely gone and I swear the dog is SO much less anxious it is incredible. Walking her is kind of challenging and we cannot move the furniture ever again but she seems to be just fine with it. Since George is newly blind I would suggest getting him a halo to help the transition, they are called “Muffin’s Halo” and it will keep him from hitting his face while mapping spaces out in his mind. Best of luck to you and your baby George!
Ellen says
I feel your distress and sadness . Last summer my 7 year old cockapoo Allie seemed to be having behavioral issues but then suddenly walked into a wall. She was diagnosed with SARDS and Cushings disease. Breaks my heart. Her eyes are not cloudy so when she looks at us she seems to be seeing us. Trying to play with her is difficult because she never liked to play tug , which would now engage her. She and I are still learning to negotiate the new challenges . Look into the Muffin’s Halo bumper which keeps them from bumping into everything.
Hang in there. I know how sad you feel. You and your pooch will get used to a new routine.
Deb Tincher says
I went through this last year with my corgi/hound rescue. I felt horrible because I was busy at the time assisting my Dad with health issues that I didn’t noticed Sammy’s eyes had changed. One day I noticed his pupils were dilated indoors and couple weeks later his sight was gone. The vet really could not give me a reason, but I got the same message, they usually do fine. They are correct, the dog does fine. However for the pet guardian, you don’t do fine. You are not prepared to essentially become your dog’s sight and make sure their space is safe and they/you have a routine. After 3 horrible weeks, I finally got a plan. We live in a townhouse, so that meant gates. Sammy was great coming up the stairs on his own, but I would hold his collar and talk him down, “step, step”. When he found the water bowl, he would drain it. He then started having accidents at night for the first time in his life. I googled just how much a day for his weight and I started only putting a portion of water in his bowl several times a day. No more accidents. It broke my heart to crate him at night, but I needed to know he was safe. The goofy boy actually liked the crate and would also lay in it during the day. We even figured out a way for him to continue his daily beloved walks. In the end, we had forged a very strong bond and had figured it out together. The dog may adapt easy, but the owner needs help! I share this because I felt like such a failure. No one tells you or prepares you for your role. What I know now is I was totally unprepared and had to learn what worked and what didn’t. Your dog knows they are loved and you are trying. You will have many failures before you get it right. Don’t give up. We lost Sammy about 5 mo after he went blind. I have no regrets. Those last few months were special for him and l. The good and the let’s try that again boy.