Brandi is a ten year old Maltese. She belonged to my father and when he passed away 4 years ago, I took her.
She went blind suddenly about 5 weeks ago due to SARDS (Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome). This condition has no cure and no known cause. It doesn’t cause pain, but causes confusion because it comes on suddenly.
I have read everything I can find and everything I read says she can still live a full life. I tried and continue to use all the suggestions the articles offer and sometimes it seems like she’s beginning to adapt. Other times she bumps into things and can’t seem to find her food and water. I hope the books are right and she still has some quality of life. It helps to know that others are having similar problems.
Paula - ADMIN says
Have you read the book ‘Living with a Blind Dog’ by Caroline Levin? That has a good chapter on SARDs. She has even managed to work out a cure for it.
Judy says
I know about the book and have looked into it. I’ll order it today. Thanks