Hi all.18 months ago our 9 yr old healthy Sharpei started having eye problems due to glaucoma, heavy breathing at night alerted us that something was wrong! After taking him to the vet we were told he would need to have both eyes removed to relieve the pain, the vet assured us this was the only solution for the dog to lead a pain free
We were upset but there was no question of putting him down, the first week was very difficult but 18 months on SID is the same as when he was 3! He finds his way around no problem’ eat drinks and sleeps perfect, rolls around in the park, and welcomes everyone who calls to our house”
I think we have been lucky!
Paula - ADMIN says
Thanks so much for posting this. We get a lot of people on there who’s dogs have only just gone blind but not many who have a dog that has been blind for a while. So these positive stories are always great to see. I have shared this on our Facebook page as well.