My sweet Brandy was diagnosed with pancreatitis and diabetes last August 2019. Within a month she developed cataracts and was blind. We decided to have cataract surgery.
That didn’t turn out well. They couldn’t put in the lenses for some medical reason. She still has no sight. Her retinas are fine as are the eye pressures but she has no vision.
They say it could be a inflammation on the brain? An MRI would reveal it but there’s no chance. It saddens me that she has no interest in her 100 stuffed animals. She never went outside without one of her friends.
My driveway was covered with stuffed animals as if a child lived here. Now they just sit in her toy box. It’s so hard to see your baby bump into walls, chairs etc.
I miss her sitting in the window waiting for me to come home. It’s been a big change here. She gets insulin twice a day plus 3 eye drops twice daily. It breaks my heart that the surgery failed. I was hoping to give her back her sight but it didn’t work. Is it normal for them to stop playing with toys?
Lynne says
I know how you feel. My brandy went blind virtually overnight five days ago due to diabetes. I feel terrible, cried a lot. But today after reading proles stories I’m sure things will get better. It’s still awful he doesn’t seem to be able to locate me even when I speak to him and will just stand in one place for ages. I’m not sure what is the right thing to do. It’s very hard
Lori Robertson says
Hi Christina and Lynne,
I was especially interested in your stories because I also have a diabetic dog. He was diagnosed about 3 months ago and just today our vet confirmed that he is now totally blind. I’m so sad for my sweet boy, but I’m encouraged by stories others have shared about how well their pets have learned to cope with blindness. I hope things are going well for you and your pups.
Joanna Roberts says
I’m buying a “halo” for my blind dog. You can get them on Amazon or etsy.
Sandi says
I ordered one today that will be here Friday. I’m hoping it will help
Christina says
This Christina mom of Brandy. What is the halo for? Brandy has some good days and seems to navigate well. However on her bad days when she seems to be totally lost and bumps into things it tears me up over and over again.
I cry and all memories of her how she was before her blindness come back. I
try to get through it but it’s not easy sometimes. Diabetes and blindness is a
bad wrap for any fur baby to go through.
Sandi says
The Halo is a harness with a “Halo” attached to it to keep them from running into things. My Gizmo does really good navigating at home so I only use it when we go somewhere he’s not familiar with.
Christina says
Thanks! Brandy moves about quite well most of the time both in and out
of the house. On another topic. Lightning, thunder, fireworks. These things totally terrified her in the past. She wouldn’t even go potty if she
heard fireworks. Now since she’s blind none of that noise seems to bother her? ? Can’t understand this at all. She can hear very well. Has anyone else had the same experience?
Sandi McClure says
Gizmo freaks out at all those noises more than he did when he could see
Christina says
That’s interesting. With all these fireworks and those that shake the house
they are so loud she doesn’t even flinch.