In 2013 my Shih Tzu Bree was diagnosed with glaucoma. We treated it for as long as we could. She began to withdraw from our family we knew we needed to have her eye removed. 8/14/2014 which was my …
Our Baby Preston
Hi, we have two beautiful boys, both 13-year-old male Lhaso Apsos. They are uncle and nephew and only four months apart, Preston and Sherman. They are the loves of our life and our children. We have …
Blind dog Coco
Hi I would love to join yr page I’m coco and I’m 6 years old. My mum bought me from gumtree off a lil girl who didn’t tell her I was blind in one eye due to not getting taken to the vet to get …
The Cocker Twins, Meaghen and Gretchen
In 1986 I bought two delightful blond cocker spaniel puppies. Both lived to be twenty years of age. Meaghen had frequent ear infections, common for cockers and indeed it became chronic. While the …
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Blind Female Dachshund is Very Happy
Our 11 year old female dapple dachshund had both eyes enucleated (right on 6/10/16, left on 5/30/18 despite a round the clock administration of a myriad of drops over a two year period). She has …
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What to do
Shelby is an 11 year old otherwise perfectly healthy Boston-Frenchie mix with glaucoma. She lost vision in her R eye in July and the vet recommended it be removed and then despite the 4x a day drops …